Fibromyalgia Research Study - 2016

This study is still recruiting patients as of October 2016.

This is a brain imaging study of pain responses. The study includes 5-14 assessment visits, lasting from 2-3 hours each. You may be eligible if you are 18-65 years old, are either generally healthy or have fibromyalgia, do not have a serious heart condition or certain other medical conditions, are not taking certain types of medications, and are not pregnant. There is no cost to you for any of the procedures and compensation up to $500.00 is provided.

For more details, see the study flyer.

The research takes place at the Brigham & Women’s Pain Management Center, 850 Boylston St, Chestnut Hill, and at the MGH Martinos Center
for Biomedical Imaging. For further information, please contact the study coordinator Olivia Franceschelli at 617-732-9718 or by email at ofranceschelli :at: