Courtesy and Reduced Fee Memberships

Our primary goal as an Association is to serve those with ME/CFS. No one interested in becoming a member will be excluded because of financial hardship.

If the $25 annual membership contribution constitutes a significant hardship, we offer Courtesy (free) and Reduced Fee ("Pay What You Can") membership.

For a Courtesy or Reduced Fee Membership, please do the following:

  1. Fill out the Membership form on our website; sign up for Courtesy Membership and check the box "I will send payment by check." Submit the form. These steps are necessary to complete the enrollment process.
  2. For a Courtesy membership: You may ignore the "Invoice" which will arrive automatically via email.
  3. For a Reduced Fee membership: Follow the steps above and then Donate what you are able to afford.

Courtesy and Reduced Fee memberships carry all the benefits and privileges of Individual membership.