Rainbow at shoreline

The Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Association, a 501(c)3 founded in 1985, exists to meet the needs of patients with ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis), CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) or FM (Fibromyalgia), their families and loved ones. The Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Association works to educate health-care providers and the general public regarding these severely-disabling physical illnesses. We also support patients and their families and advocate for more effective treatment and research.

Press Release: Boston Millions Missing Event May 11th!

Boston ME/CFS Protest to Feature Speeches, Display, and Performances

Large crowd expected on Boston Common for #MillionsMissing Demonstration

BOSTON, MA, 5/6/2019---On Saturday, May 11 from 1:00-3:00pm, Massachusetts residents living with ME/CFS, also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), will rally at the Boston Common Liberty Mall together with caretakers and allies to call for immediate and comprehensive action on the ME/CFS public health crisis. They will join thousands of others demonstrating physically in more than 80 cities worldwide and virtually on social media as part of the fifth global #MillionsMissing protest.

Read more: Press Release: Boston Millions Missing Event May 11th!

Notice about names

The Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Association would like to clarify the use of the various acronyms for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Chronic Fatigue & Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) and  Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) on this site. When we generate our own articles on the illness, we will refer to it as ME/CFS, the term now generally used in the United States. When we are reporting on someone else’s report, we will use the term they use. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other federal agencies, including the CDC, are currently using ME/CFS. 

Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Association changed its name in July, 2018, to reflect this consensus.