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Medications need to be at the top of your list

It is a good idea to write down all the medication and dosage you take (should you have more than the one or two you can remember). Put the date with your name, address and phone number at the top. If you have a number of allergies, list those as well. On this sheet, write down your doctor’s name, address, phone number and any emergency contact numbers s/he has given you, so it is readily available.

If using prescription medications and you plan to travel by plane, bring the medication in the bottle in which it came. If possible, travel with extra dosages of medication in case your return is delayed.

It would be wise to have the prescribing physician write a brief letter (to whom it may concern) to the effect that you are under this doctor's care and your treatment consists of: product A, B, C and D (especially if these are controlled-substances / Schedule II type meds).

It might help if you put your tickets, travel schedule, your medication list, your doctor’s letter and your doctor’s information into one envelope so all papers are together and keep this information on your person. Packing a duplicate copy of the same in your luggage would not hurt.

Many patients are not able to get out of bed, or, out of their neighborhood. If you are fortunate to travel overseas, discuss your trip with your doctor so s/he can provide other tips.

It is a good idea to check with travel guides (i.e., books or a reliable website) or review requirements for the countries of destination to double-check what is prohibited or restricted. Some countries won’t allow your prescribed medications, let alone “extras”.